People & Environment - Global Responsibility

Education connects people

Our employees in China and Hong Kong regularly receive education and training pertaining to PCB production, PCB design, CAD/CAM systems, process management, quality, and assembly technology. As a popular employer in the region we provide long-term prospects through continuous education. Regular English classes in various difficulty levels give our staff remarkable development opportunities. 

People are behind the products

Producing in an emerging market we are well aware of our responsibility. It requires careful selection of relevant producers. Regular visits to our partner enable communication at different levels. Regardless whether manager, staff, or workers, we have in interest in everybody's well-being.

Our PCBs don't just have green solder masks!

Next to the human aspects we also consider our partners' waste management and waste water treatment. Particularly being in the PCB industry gives us special responsibility to ensure professional treatment of waste water. We ensure this through regular audits.